Illness Policy

Together we make a difference!
• Send a Brightwheel message or an e-mail to both Lori and Jane any time your child will be
absent, even if he/ she is not sick, as we are required to track absences.
Lori — Jane —
• In order to return to the preschool following illness, children (and staff) must be:
fever free (without medication), diarrhea free, and vomiting free for 24 hours, and able to participate in the school day successfully with respect to energy level and engagement. Children with excessive amounts of mucus and coughing should remain at home to help minimize illness at the preschool.
If your child becomes ill while at school, you will be called to pick him/ her up within 30 minutes of receiving the call. Please be sure to keep your local contact information updated with us. If we are unable to get ahold of a parent, we will continue calling down the list of emergency contacts until we reach someone.