History of the School

St. Luke Lutheran Church began a kindergarten class for congregation members in 1956. From that single class grew a Christian preschool and extended care program. We currently enroll children from two years of age through age five. St. Luke is well respected and its reputation in the community is long standing. We are honored when families choose to have their children learn and grow with us generation after generation.
St. Luke Preschool is licensed through the State of New Mexico Early Childhood Education & Care Department (ECECD). In addition, we are accredited through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The school is considered a Christian ministry of the church and is supported by the congregation in many ways…from church members who volunteer on the school’s governing committee, to financial contributions for the school’s tuition assistance fund, building and grounds maintenance, pastoral leadership at weekly children’s worship times, support during special events and fundraisers, and so much more. The support from this loving and generous congregation is always evident and is essential to the life of the school.